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Becoming a councillor

The Parish Council holds elections every four years, but may co-opt any interested parties in order to fill vacancies.

Requirements / limitations

In order to become a Parish Councillor, you need to be over 18 years of age and a British National or a qualifying citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Community. 

You may not be a paid employee of the Council as the law forbids it. 

You are unable to act as a Councillor until you have signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which includes your agreement to observe the current code of conduct. This has been adopted by Outwoods Parish Council and would generally be signed at the first meeting following your intention to serve the Parish Council.


Expectations of a parish councillor are:

  • to attend meetings when summoned to do so
  • consider in advance of meetings items which are important to be discussed
  • observe reasonable standards of courtesy
  • respect confidentiality
  • present a declaration of interests
  • protect the reputation of the council

Council decisions will only be made by the full council or clerk acting under delegated authority

Neither councillors nor employees should resort to the media to resolve a disagreement.