Litter/Dog Fouling
Possibly due to the lockdown conditions and changes in exercise regimes, there has been a notable rise in discarded rubbish and uncleared dog faeces across the Parish.
Please do not leave dog waste bags in hedges, fences and gates. This is becoming increasingly common – creating a risk to health and leaves the Parish looking unwelcoming and untidy. Please take the dog waste bags home or dispose of them in a bin.
Dropping litter is illegal and anti-social. People who drop litter can be fined or face prosecution in court. Authorised officers have the power to issue a fixed penalty charge of up to £80.00 for a litter offence, as an alternative to prosecution. If the offender is prosecuted and convicted in court, the fine could rise to £2,500. This also includes failing to carry means to clean up after your dog, this also generates an £80.00 fine.
There are strategically placed bins for both dog waste and litter around the Outwoods Parish area and there are plans to install several more.
We endeavour to ensure that localised public litter bins are attended to regularly and we are in contact with ESBC who empty these bins if they are full.
If however, a receptacle for the waste is not nearby or if it is full, we respectfully request that you dispose of the waste you have safely in your own grey bin at home.
Please look after the area you live in – do not drop litter or let your dog foul your streets and footpaths.
Clean it up and dispose of it safely and make Outwoods a clean ad pleasant place to live.
Thank you
Outwoods Parish Council